Our FREE site surveys are designed to inspect and evaluate your current site situation and requirements and provide future considerations you may not have thought of.
Understanding Expectations
We want to understand your operation, the types of system you use and connectivity requirements for the present and future. This way we have a strong understanding of your business and how we can accommodate any needs prior to a walk through.
Obtain a Layout Drawing
Before getting too far with the site survey, locate a set of building blueprints. If none are available, prepare a floor plan drawing that depicts the location of walls, walkways, etc We would not want to drill into a wall and destroy plumbing, electrical, etc. If no diagram is available, it’s best to sketch out general layout design of where specific equipment is to be located.
Inspect the Facility
Walk through the facility to verify the accuracy of the layout diagram. This is a good time to note any potential barriers that may affect every stage of the project. For example, excessive heat or cold , brick walls, steel panels, firewall, ceiling height for lift trucks, etc.
Safety Considerations
Safety on all construction sites for all employees is paramount for ensuring zero injuries throughout the course of the project. All OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) regulations for any and all hazards are evaluated and strictly adhered to.
Our evaluation process will determine if various building or construction permits are necessary. We will work with you to ensure all proper permits are obtained quickly and before work begins.